Tuesday, April 26, 2016



11. ‘Let nature and experience be your guide’ is a declared dictum of:
A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Existentialism

12. The Indian school of philosophy close to realism is:
A. Budhhism
B. Jainism
C. Sankhya
D. Nyaya

13. ‘Education of the instinct’ is considered as unique contribution of:
A. Pragmatism Education
B. Naturalism Education
C. Realism Education
D. Existentialism Education

14. Which of the following is not form of culture?
A. Material
B. Non-material
C. Intelligence
D. Industrial
15. Most educated women today face many problems. Which of the following is not applicable:
A. They are paid less as compare to men
B. have jobs of lower status
C. Consider traditional rule unfit for them
D. Enjoy equal rights in the family

16. Dr.Radhakrishna University Education Commission’s Report said the following about religious education:
A. Religious education leads to spiritual education
B. Moral and religious education are the two poles of social education
C. Religious education is a must at higher stage
D. We do not want religious education, but education about religious

17. Population education means:
A. Education for family planning
B. Sex education from scientific point of view
C. Knowledge of the problem imposed by population growth
D. To understand the characteristics of different groups of population

18. The UGC was established in our country in the year:
A. 1956
B. 1953
C. 1949
D. 1963

19. A democratic society is one which:
A. Follows the principles of equality, freedom, fraternity and justice
B. Respected the enlightened individuals
C. Believes in equal opportunities
D. All the above

20. The ‘Modernization of education’ could be achieved through:
A. Vocationalising the education institutions
B. Including current scientific and technological development of curricula
C. Changing the curricula as frequency as possible
D. Improving the schools and colleges




1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Gandhian education?
A. Community is living and teacher as a model
B. Intelligent productive manual labor
C. Raise up non-violent men and non-violent society
D. Mastery over material science and technology

2. Tri-Ratna or three-gems is the means of liberation for:
A. Buddhism
B. Jainism
C. Sankhya
D. Nyaya

3. The validity of empirical data as a source of knowledge is generally accepted by:
A. Gotama
B. Kapila
C. Patenjali
D. Brahaspathi

4. Sankhya philosophy was propounded by:
A. Gotama
B. Kapila
C. Patenjali
D. Brahaspathi

5. ‘Principle of Independence’ is a fundamental tenet of:
A. Pragmatism
B. Idealism
C. Realism
D. Extentalism

6. Which of the following is not an extentialistic tinker?
A. Kierkegaard
B. Nietzshce
C. Paul sastre
D. Russell
7. Adviata vedana was consolidated by:
A. Ramanjuna
B. Madhav
C. Guadapada
D. Sankara

8. ‘Reality is still in the making’ is a principle of:
A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Existentialism

9. Which of the following concepts is emphasized by Swami Vivekananda:
A. Integral education
B. Man making education
C. Education of harmony
D. Citizenship of education

10. “Man is nothing but what he makes himself nothing” is the fundamental view point of:
A. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism
C. Realism
D. Existentialism


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Structure of seed

Structure of seed
Children have you seen a bean or a gram seed. It is hard and cannot be broken easily. The hard outer covering layer is called the seed coat. The seed coat protects the seed. 

Seed coat – Formed from embryo sack wall and endosperm tissue (During development, the endosperm stops dividing and is absorbed into the embryonic tissues.)

The seed has two cotyledons. These are special seed leaves which protect baby plant or embryo. They also store food for the embryo.
Seeds like grams, beans and peas have two cotyledons while seeds like wheat and corn have only one cotyledon.


Sunday, April 10, 2016



Let us see about seed germination
Growing plants from seeds:
Children if u eat an apple or an orange you will fine deeds inside. New plants can grow from these seeds.

Not all seeds grow into new plants. some seeds are eaten up by birds and insects. Some seeds get destroyed by the rain or wind. 
If seeds get sufficient amount of air, water, warmth it grows in to new plant.
A seed producing a new baby plant or seedling. This process we called as seed germination.
During the early stages of germination, the seedling gets the foods which it requires for its growth from the cotyledons. The food which stored in cotyledons has been used up the seedling gets its food from the soil.
The seedlings absorbs water and nutrients from the soil with the help of its roots. The it develops new leaves and grows in to a new a baby plant.
Now it requires air for seed germination. The air reaches the seed through pores in the soil. That is why soil is so important for plants growth.
After they germinate, they will struggle for air, water, light, nutrients and the space to grow. As a result, many of them would die. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016



In the poem, you read about a soldier called Martin. In 1822, he was eighteen years old and was very healthy. When he was shot, he got seriously hurt. At that time Dr. Beaumont was called to treat him.
Dr. Beaumont cleaned the wound and put the dressing. After one and a half years, the doctor found that Martin’s wound had healed except for one thing.

He had a big hole in his stomach. The hole was covered with a loose flap of skin, like the washer in a football. Press the skin and you could peep into Martin’s stomach! Not only that, the doctor could also take out food from the stomach by putting a tube in the hole.

Dr. Beaumont felt he had found a treasure. Can you guess how much time he spent on doing different experiments on this stomach?
Nine years! During this time Martin grew up and got married. At that time scientists did not know how food was digested? How does the liquid (digestive juices) in the stomach help? Does it only help in making the food wet and soft? Or does it also help in digestion?
Dr. Beaumont took some liquid (juices) out of the stomach. He wanted to see what would happen to a food item kept in a glass filled with it. Would it get digested on its own? For this he did an experiment. With the help of a tube, he took out some digestive juice from the stomach.

At 8.30am he put twenty tiny pieces of boiled fish in 10 millilitres of the juice. He kept the glass at the same temperature as that of our stomach – about 30°C. When he checked at 2 pm he found that the pieces of fish had dissolved.
Dr. Beaumont tried this experiment with different food items. He gave Martin the same food at the same time and then compared how long it took for food to be digested in the glass and in Martin’s stomach. He recorded his observations in a table.
So, what does our stomach do? Dr. Beaumont did many experiments and found out many secrets about digestion. He found that food digests faster in the stomach than outside. Did you notice this in the table?
Our stomach churns the food to digest it. The doctor also saw that the food did not digest properly when Martin was sad. He also found that the juice in our stomach is acidic. Have you heard of anyone talking about acidity -especially when that person has not eaten well or the food is not digested properly.
Dr. Beaumont’s experiments became famous across the world. After this many scientists did many such experiments. What did you say? No, they did not shoot people in the stomach. Nor did they wait for a patient with a hole in the stomach. They used other scientific ways to look inside our bodies.
Children Did you like the story of Martin or, should we say, the story of our own stomach?