Sunday, November 11, 2018


1. Which of the following is not a task of Philosophy?A
(A) Speculation
(B) Description and Analysis
(C) Prescription
(D) Observation

2. Which of the following is not a unique feature of education envisaged by Swami Vivekananda?
(A) Cultivation of heart and physical strength.
(B) Residential programme of education.
(C) Intelligent productive manual labour
(D) Importance to concentrations.

3. ‘Intuitive Knowledge’ is attained through
(A) External experiences
(B) Internal experiences
(C) Both internal and external experiences
(D) Neither internal or external experiences

4. ‘The child is an integral part of the ultimate universe’ is the view point of
(A) Realism
(B) Pragmatism
(C) Existentialism
(D) Idealism
5. Which of the following is not a suited connotation for ‘Equality of educational opportunity’?
(A) A policy of open access to education to all.
(B) Equitable rationing and distribution of available resources to all.
(C) Equalisation of educational attainment by providing resources in favour of less able and less motivated group.
(D) Investing more funds on education.

6. ‘Learning in communion with nature’ was propagated by
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Sri Aurobindo
C) Rabindranath Tagore
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

7. The founder of Pragmatism was
(A) John Dewey
(B) William James
(C) Kilpatrick
(D) Charles Sanders Peirce

8. Rousseau’s conception of ‘freedom’ was not accepted by
(A) Pestalozzi
(B) Jean Paul Sartre
(C) Paulo Freire
(D) John Dewey

9. “Discipline through direct consequence” was propagated by
(A) Existentialist
(B) Pragmatist
(C) Naturalist
(D) Realist

10. The School of Philosophy which upholds the primacy of ‘mind over matter’ is 
(A) Existentialism
(B) Realism
(C) Pragmatism
(D) Idealism



41. If a test measures mastery level achievement in a subject, it is known as 
(A) Criterion-referenced test 
(B) Diagnostic test 
(C) Norm-referenced test 
(D) Prognostic test

42. In an ethnographical study which of the following technique is most appropriate ? 
(A) Psychological testing 
(B) Questionnaire 
(C) Observation 
(D) Sociometry

43. The correlation between X and Y is significant. It means that 
(A) X causes variation in Y. 
(B) X and Y vary together. 
(C) Y causes variation in X. 
(D) X and Y vary independently.

44. If Q1 , Q2 and Q3 represent 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartiles respectively and Q semi intrinsic quartile then Q may be written as 
(A) Q1 – Q3 
(B) Q3 – Q1 2 
(C) Q3 + Q1 2 
(D) Q2 – Q1

45. If K is added to every score of a distribution with mean ‘M’ and standard deviation ‘s’, the new standard deviation will be 
(A) K 
(B) s 
(C) s + K 
(D) Ks

46. If each z-score of a distribution of scores is multiplied by 10 and the result increased by 50, the standard deviation of the resulting numbers would be 
(A) 50 
(B) 40 
(C) 10 
(D) 5

47. Which of the following types of test-items make a ‘supply type’ test ? 
(A) Multiple choice 
(B) Matching 
(C) Classification 
(D) Completion

48. Which of the following purposes demands Action Research ? 
(A) Developing a theory 
(B) Writing a thesis 
(C) Solving a classroom problem 
(D) Testing a theory

49. Median is also known as a. 5% point b. 50th percentile c. 2nd quartile d. 5th decile 
(A) acb 
(B) bca 
(C) bcd 
(D) cda

50. Match the following List-I with List-II.
   List-I (Type of Correlation)          List-II (Nature of Variables) 
(a) Biserial Correlation            (i) Continuous v/s continuous 
(b) Pie coefficient                    (ii) Continuous v/s Dichotomous 
(c) Point-biserial correlation   (iii) Dichotomous v/s Dichotomous 
(d) Tetrachoric correlation      (iv) Dichotomized v/s Dichotomized 
                                                 (v) Continuous v/s Dichotomized 

(A) iv i v ii
(B) v iii ii iv
(C) iii ii v ii
(D) v iv ii i



31. Two-factor theory of intelligence is given by 
(A) Alfred Binnet and L. Simon 
(B) C.E. Spearman 
(C) J.P. Guilford 
(D) L.M. Terman

32. Children whose mental age is lower than chronological age are called 
(A) Gifted children 
(B) Normal children 
(C) Learning disabled 
(D) Retarded children

33. Concepts are important vehicles in 
(A) Learning communication 
(B) Thinking processes 
(C) Motivating the learner
(D) Achievement of learner

34. The meaningful reception learning was explained by 
(A) Robert Gagne 
(B) David Ausubel 
(C) Jean Piaget 
(D) Jerom S. Bruner

35. The type of learning explained by Albert Bandura is also known as
(A) Insight learning
(B) Observational learning 
(C) Sign learning 
(D) Verbal learning

36. A child is working very hard for her examination. Her behaviour is an indicator of her 
(A) Sharp cognitive abilities 
(B) High achievement motivation 
(C) Very busy schedule 
(D) Desire to impress her parents

37. The purpose of instructional theory is 
(A) Descriptive 
(B) Instructive 
(C) Prescriptive 
(D) Evaluative

38. The quality of questions in a test is assessed by using the method of 
(A) Item Analysis 
(B) Task Analysis 
(C) Content Analysis 
(D) Trend Analysis

39. The size of a population is 100 and every 5th person is selected to form a sample. This technique of sampling is known as 
(A) Random 
(B) Stratified 
(C) Cluster 
(D) Systematic

40. The operational definition of a variable indicates as to how that variable may be 
(A) observed 
(B) described 
(C) measured 
(D) explain



21. National Reconstruction in any country should be based on
(A) improvement of adjust ability and adaptability of people.
(B) familiarizing the children with the nation’s culture and philosophy.
(C) weeding out the unsocial and unscientific practices at the top level.
(D) developing ambitious outlooks among administrator.

22. Which of the following is not an attribute of culture ?
(A) Shared
(B) Transmittable
(C) Innate
(D) Learnt

23. The Kothari Commission’s report was entitled as
(A) Education and National Development
(B) Learning to Be
(C) Diversification of Education
(D) Education and social change in Democracy.

24. Acculturation is the process of
(A) developing qualities affecting the culture of a nation.
(B) accepting the innovations required for the development of nation’s culture.
(C) being influenced by the cultural imperatives of a nation.
(D) following the latest trends of a culture as opposed to the past traditions.

25. The SUPW has been introduced in the school curriculum due to the recommendation of
(A) The Kothari Education Commission’s Report
(B) The Ishverbhai Patel Educational Review Committee
(C) The Secondary Education Commission’s Report
(D) The University Education’s Committee Report

26. For Harmonious development of the personality of the child, parents should
(A) Over-protect the child.
(B) Regularly compare the child with other children.
(C) Provide conducive environment at home.
(D) Engage qualified teachers for her.

27. During early phases of Development, Educational Psychology has drawn its content from the researches in
(A) Physical Sciences
(B) Medical Sciences
(C) Social Sciences
(D) Natural Sciences

28. Who among the following described the intellectual development as age related development ? (A) Jerome S. Bruner
(B) Jean Piaget
(C) David Ausubel
(D) Hilda Taba

29. Most important factor(s) in the development of child are
(A) Physical and moral environment of the child.
(B) Social and Economic status of the family.
(C) Educational and social status of parents.
(D) Socio-economic and intellectual environment of the child.

30. Differences in ‘Learning Styles’ among learners may be attributed to
(A) Socialisation process of learner.
(B) Thinking strategies adopted by learner.
(C) Economic conditions of the family.
(D) Parenting of the child.




11. The teacher is very much concerned with epistemology because his aim is to promote
(A) Values
(B) Truth
(C) Knowledge
(D) Skills

12. Which School of Philosophy maintains that the ‘universe is an expression of intelligence and will’ ?
(A) Pragmatism
(B) Realism
(C) Idealism
(D) Existentialism

13. “Education according to interest rather than the caste, creed, race or religion” was propagated by 

(A) Vedantic Education
(B) Islamic Education
(C) Jainistic Education
(D) Buddhistic Education

14. The major constraint of social change is
(A) caste
(B) education
(C) religion
(D) poverty

15. Modernisation of ‘educational programmes’ has posed many issues in the society. Which one of the following is not applicable ?
(A) Increasing numbers of crimes in teenagers.
(B) Increasing number of suicides in students.
(C) Misuse of media by youngsters.
(D) Reduced status of teachers.

16. Analysis of the sociological processes involved in the educational institutions could be known as
(A) Social foundations of Education
(B) Sociology of Education
(C) Educational Sociology
(D) Social Science of Education

17. According to Talcott Parson, social change deals with
(A) Spiritual upliftment
(B) Economic upliftment
(C) Cultural revolution
(D) Functional needs of the society

18. Caste system can create a
(A) closed society
(B) changing society
(C) dead society
(D) open society

19. It is often complained that there is a ‘brain drain’ in our country. The implication is that
(A) the brains of educated persons are being washed in unnecessary pursuits.
(B) students’ brains are burdened with education unnecessarily.
(C) education today is creating strain to the brains of students.
(D) educated and capable people are seeking jobs in other countries for better opportunities and economic benefits.

20. Some sociologists have given importance to the functioning factors of social interaction. These factors are concerned with
(A) the proximity and similarity of the societies
(B) the purpose and common facts of societies.
(C) the needs and past experiences of the societies.
(D) goodness, common cause and economy of the societies.


Saturday, November 10, 2018



61. Which one of the following variables is controlled in experimental research?
(A) Independent variables
(B) Moderate variables
(C) Dependent variables
(D) Extraneous variables

62. One of the tools that can be used for in-depth data collection is
(A) Test
(B) Interview
(C) Rating Scale
(D) Observation

63. Deductive reasoning helps in
(A) Sample Selection
(B) Hypothesis Generation
(C) Problem Identification
(D) None of the above

64. Which of the following Committee recommended for improvement of Teacher Education Programme?
(A) Reddy Committee
(B) Ramamurti Committee
(C) Yashpal Committtee
(D) Mehrotra Committee

65. The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide (A) Education to all
(B) Education to all girls children
(C) Free and compulsory education to all children
(D) Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age

66. The rational equivalence type of reliability is determined by the method of:
(A) Test-retest
(B) Parallel Forms
(C) Split-half
(D) K-R Methods

67. Which of the following is not a correct matching?
(A) Class roll numbers – Nominal Scale
(B) Relative position in a group – Ordinal Scale
(C) Heights of cricket players – Interval Scale
(D) Weights of students – Ratio Scale

68. Learning Disability is related to
(A) Poor environment is a contributing factor to learning disability.
(B) Learning disabilities are related to mental retardation.
(C) Learning disability is related to emotional disturbance.
(D) Learning-disabled children have perceptual problems.

69. Teacher education is considered as a technical education in
(A) U.S.A.
(B) U.K.
(C) U.S.S.R.
(D) India

70. In which year IGNOU was established?
(A) 1964
(B) 1985
(C) 1992
(D) 2002

71. The pathway to liberation in Buddhism consists of
(A) two steps
(B) four steps
(C) six steps
(D) eight steps
72. A modern Indian educationist who was very much naturalist is
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) J. Krishnamurti

73. Which of the following is not true? Liberalisation of the economy has led to
(A) steeper stratification
(B) more open social structure
(C) greater mobility
(D) greater equalisation of educational opportunity

74. What is meant by Multiple Counselling?
(A) Counselling by Professionals and Paraprofessionals
(B) Counselling given to two or a few individuals, or a small homogeneous group
(C) Counselling by Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Media
(D) Counselling given to Complex and Multiple Problems on the part of the client.

75. Match List – I with List – II with correct meaning:
             List – I                                 List – II
a. Constructivism         i. Paradigm for technology based learning 
b. Scaffolding               ii. Real world is not like studying in school 
c. situated learning      iii. That allows the students to grow in
Independence as a learner
d. Anchored Instruction iv. A view that emphasizes the active role of the learner in building understanding and making sense of information
                                        v. Learner learns the cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive skills
(A) iv ii iii v
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) i ii iii v