Friday, May 20, 2016




41. Which of the following objectives belongs to effective domain?
A. Developing reading comprehensive
B, Developing skills to drive a car
C. Developing a set of concepts
D. Developing a favorable attitude towards education

42. The internal validity of an experimental research is related to :
A. Variation in the independent variable
B. Effective controls of intervening variables
C. Variation in the dependent variable
D. Accuracy of measurement variables

43. In a distribution, 27% scores are below the raw score of 36. Which of the following statement is true?
A. 36 students have score of 27
B. 36 is the score of 27 students
C. Percentile rank of 36 is 27
D. Percentile rank of 27 is 36

44. A set of scores has a mean ‘M’ and standard deviation is ‘s’ if every score is tripled the mean and standard deviation would be:
A. M,S
B. 3 M, S
C. M, 3S
D. 3M, 3S

45. If deviation of each score of a distribution from the mean is divided by standard deviation, the resulting scores are called:
A. T-scores
B. Z- Scores
C. t- scores
D. d-scores

46. Correlation between a continuous variable and a dichotomized variable is computes by using:
A. Biserial correlation method
B. Product moment method
C. Rank differnce method
D. Multiple correlation method

47. Likert’s method is used to prepare an:
A. Achievement test
B. Aptitude test
C. Attitude test
D. Ability test

48. A study aimed at finding out the feasibility of a new method of a teaching may be classified as;
A. Action research
B. Descriptive research
C. Experimental research
D. Survey research

49. which combination of the following points is true of non-parametric methods?
A. Do not demand assumption of the population
B. Actual scores are used in calculation
C. Generalization are not seems to be realistic
D. They are also called distribution free methods
Answer 2,3,4

50. Match the following List-I and List-II
             List-I                                                     List-II
A. Standard deviation   1. Difference between mean and a score
B. Quartile deviation     2. Difference between high score and                                                        low score
C. Score deviation          3. Average of all deviation
D. Mean deviation         4. Root mean square deviation
                                         5. semi inter quartile range






31. The causes of aggression among adolescence may be psychological rather than:
A. Psychological
B. Social
C. Biological
D. Environmental

32. The process involved in concept formation are:
A. Observation and generalization
B. Observation and categorization
C. Generalization and inferences
D. Observation, generalization, categorization

33. The causes of individual differences are always:
A. Hereditary
B. Social and economic
C. Emotional and personal
D. Environmental and hereditary

34. A learner is faced with a unique problem. To solve the problem she applied a combination of rules already known to her. She is displaying the ‘learning out comes’ of intellectual skills suggested by Robert gange as:
A. Concrete concepts
B. Rules
C. High order rules
D. Defined rules

35. A teacher as conducted a ’sociometric-test’ in her class. The most popular student of her class is labelled as:
A. Isolate
B. Star
C. Moon
D. Leader

36. Stand ford Binnet test of intelligence is;
A. Verbal test
B. Performance test
C. Non-verbal test
D. Group test

37. The most basic category in ‘Maslow hierarchy theory is :
A. Belonging needs
B. Love needs
C. Psychological needs
D. Social needs

38. The test of validity that can be expressed in terms of correlation coefficient is:
A. Content validity
B. Concurrent validity
C. Construct validity
D. Curricular validity

39. The variables which unrated to the study, but many effects that depend variables are known as:
A. Background variables
B. Extraneous variables
C. Internal variables
D. Antecedent variables

40. Which of the following is the mean of distribution;
SCORE: 2 5 7 8 10
FREQ : 1 3 5 2 1
A. 6.0
B. 6.5




21. The social heritage of the people could be describe by which of the following terms:
A. Culture
B. Social norms
C. Transmission
D. Human involvement

22. The term ’sub-culture’ is used to indicate:
A. The culture of the lower strata of the society
B. The believes and customs of traditional social groups
C. The culture of different groups of societies
D. The traditions and ideas of tribal groups of society

23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modernization:
A. Religious faith
B. Participation
C. Mobility
D. Empathy

24. Talcott parson’s theory of functionalism considers the significance of which of the following system is not appropriate:
A. Economic system
B. Personal system
C. Cultural system
D. Social system

25. Adult education’s main objective is to:
A. Enable the adults to read and write
B. Teach adults to be able to understand what they read
C. Help adults achieve literacy along with personal development
D. Socialise the adults to move about freely

26. To help young children to acquire performance skills the teacher should set:
A. Time limit for performance
B. Proximal goals for skills
C. Digital goals for skills
D. Minimum standard for performances

27. Who said has ____’personality is located in the brain______, no brain, no personality”?
A. Raymond Bernard Cattell
B. Henrey A Murray
C. Hans J. Eysenk
D. Kurt lewin

28. Who among the following psychologists developed first systematic theory of personality’
A. H. Erikson
B. Sigmond freud
C. Harry stack Sullivan
D. Gastav jung

29. Who of the author of the ‘principle of synchronicity’
A. . H. Erikson
B. Sigmond freud
C. Henray murray
D. Gastav jung

30. Programmed instruction is am example of auot-instruction. It is based on the theory given by:
A. Davis Ausubel
B. Albert bandura
C. B.F.Skinner
D. Bloom