Thursday, January 14, 2016


Did all the children in the class eat the same food items yesterday? Why? you feel  hungry when food is digested in our stomach  at that you feel to eat.
Let us talk about those things that we do eat. Put on the things that you eat often rice ,wheat ,barley oats, maize millet kappa (tapioca) ragi.
Most of our food is made of these things. We get food from plants and animals. Depending on what grows easily at which place, different things are eaten at different places. We not only eat different things but we also use the same things to prepare a variety of food items.
What is the real purpose of eating food?
Is it only taste or in any reasons behind it?
Food helps us to grow, to give energy, to be healthy.To Gr
There are  useful substances in food that provide you all these three are called  Nutrients. 
They are different types nutrients are present in food we can also call them components of food Carbohydrates, Proteins, vitamins, fats, water and roughage.
Let us study some of the food items which are rich in carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates -Mainly provide energy to our body.
Ex: Rice:
 potato and sweat potato:
 maize and sugarcane:
Proteins are needed for the growth and repair of our body. 
There are called Body building food.
Ex: Milk:
Children some times if you are not eating food also you will get energy? How? Have you  know a type of food that store energy in our body? Let us study..
Fats stored food in our body. Excess of fat food contains –obesity.
Ex: Groundnuts, coconut oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, nuts

Who will protect our body from enemies? Do you know a type Nutritious food that protect our body from enemies.Vitamins and Minerals. 
Vitamins help in protecting our body against diseases. They also keep our eyes, bones teeth and gums healthy.

Minerals are required in small amounts in our body. They are essential for proper growth of body and for maintaining good health.

So we need to have a little of all kinds of food every day to get all the Nutrients and roughage etc.This type of diet is called A balanced diet .A balanced diet should contains 50% carbohydrate,35%fats,12%protiens. 3%  vitamins & minerals and sufficient  amount of  water.

Thank You,


Let us see the house of chhotu. Oh , no chhotu is living in a pipie.
His house is a cement pipe. chhotu arrange every around his house.

Chhotu ‘s first time he came to Mumbai. Pic of Mumbai wow what big city is this.  In village chhuto saw small house and huts.  All the roads are filled with big bungalows and apartments. And people are very busy in their life.

 Let us see how many types of houses are there.
There are two types of houses
1. temporary house. 2. Permanent house
Temporary house are also called kwacha-house. These are made up mud and straw. People who can stay for some time they made temporary houses. Examples ; hut, tents,

Permanente houses are called pucca-house. These are made up of cement, steel, bricks and sand. Bungalows and apartments. People live at one place for long they made permanent houses.
People made different types of houses depending upon the climate. and  their work. Some people who live on hill places they made a house on the tree or wooden house.
Some are made water boat-house. Some are stay temporary in tents.

People who in cold places they made there houses with igloos. Eskimos live in it.
People who are living on the hills their are made house with wood.

Let now the parts of a houseIn a house we have veranda, dinning-hall, bed-room, reading-room, kitchen-room, storeroom, common- hall and we have a garden around our house.

We spend most of time in common-hall with our family members. We use. Veranda, to take rest and relax. Dinning-hall for lunch and dinner.
Bed-room for sleeping. Reading-room for reading, writing and prepare.
Kitchen –room for preparing food. Store- room for to keep our extra things.

House should have windows and doors. Windows and doors allow sunlight inside. Sunlight kill the germs and it give light for us. House protect us heat, cold, rain and enemies. It gives shelter for us.
The area around your house. we should keep clean. We should throw garbage in dust bin. 
Mosquitoes and germs fly on the garbage. And they spread diseases make us sick.
Look, how beautifully Lata's
Lata’s house is decorated. Because they are celebrating festivals. Ask your friends when and how they decorate their houses. We decorate our house flower, leaves, curtains and rangolis.

Thank You,



We learn so many things when we come to school. But do you know which is our first school? Yes, it is our family. We learn so many things from our family – much before we learn from anywhere else. This is because we are so close to our family. But we really never give it a thought. Let us think about our family and talk about it.

In this family we can see mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, uncle, aunt and their children.This is large family. We can called this families are Joint-family.

3.In this picture we can see only four members mother, father, sister and brother. This is a small family. This type families we can called nuclear family.

Let us see-Who all are there in your family and their relation.
         Name                                            Relationship
  • MOTHER’S OR FATHER’S SON                           BROTHER
  • MOTHER’S OR FATHER’S SISTER                     AUNT
  • SON’S WIFE                                                          DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
  • DAUGHTER’S HUSBAND                                     SON-IN-LAW
  • HUSBAND’S OR WIFE SISTER                            SISTER-IN-LAW
  • BROTHER’S SON                                                 NEPHEW
  • BROTHER’S DAUGHTER                                     NIECE
  • SISTER’S HUSBAND                                            BROTHER-IN-LAW
  • BROTHER’S WIFE                                                SISTER-IN-LAW
What do your family members call you lovingly ? Do you have a pet name? How do you call your family members?

Two persons in the picture a lot like each other. How do you think they are related? Is there any similarity between you and any other member
of your family – in the way you talk, walk, smile or even in your looks...? With whom and how ?

Let us now read about Anwari’s family. The older members of Anwari's family work as dhobis. All the members of the family lend a hand in washing, drying and ironing of the clothes. Anwari and her cousin Taufiq are also learning the work done by the family.

Is your family involved in any particular work? If yes, what? Do you help the family with the work? We learn many things from our family members. Anwari and her cousins learnt cycling from her uncle.You also learnt many things from yourfamily. What and from whom? Has anyone learnt anything from you?

Everyone removes their shoes before entering the house – this is the custom in Surekha’s family. Some of Surekha's friends enter her house without removing their shoes. Surekha’s grandfather gets angry at that. Are there any particular customs followed by your Family?.



In this lesson we are going to learn about need and uses of water.
In this nani and her grandson were discussing about the uses for water. Let us see what there r discussing.

I’ll wash my face with water,
Said Munna to his Nani.

We all quench our thirst with water,
We are all alive because of water.
Water has been with us for ages,
Its story can fill so many pages!
From the first stanza munna learn that water is useful for all living thing. Without water living thing cannot survive on the earth. We use water in different ways.
We need water for drinking, bathing, washing, and for cleaning our houses. We get drinking water from rivers, lakes, well, rain etc.We store drinking in pots and tanks.
Let us see the second stanza………….. wat munna is s
Somewhere it is dew,
Somewhere it is snow,
steam is also water as you know.
Water has forms so many,
that is what says my Nani.
Dew is the change of water from a vapor to a liquid. Dew  is the water form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation
while you are going to morning walk you may observe the dew. They can cool the temperature by shading us from the sun's light and heat.

Snow is the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky, when it is cold, you can also see snow in Shimla during winter months.
Steam is the form of water vapor. when water is boiled at 100C water changes in to gas. water has three states of matter. It can changes into solids, liquids and gases.
Let us see the third stanza……
The river flow, the waterfalls sing,
And water swells in lakes and springs.
Life on earth it has brought,
watered fields and life they got.
19. But when the water breaks in floods,
Great misfortune it always works.

The primary effects of flooding include loss of life, damage to buildings and other structures, including bridges, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals. Floods also frequently damage power transmission and sometimes power generation.