31. The one essential element in situations involving fear reaction is
(A) a potential danger
(B) personal inadequacy
(C) insecurity
(D) prevailing conditions to fear stimuli
32. Boasting is a form of
(A) Compensation
(B) Projection
(C) Rationalization
(D) Sublimation
33. A dominated overprotective child is likely to be
(A) aggressive
(B) delinquent
(C) quarrelsome
(D) withdrawn
34. Counselling is a process of
(A) allocation of round peg in round holes and square pegs in square holes
(B) Orientation of pupils towards social expectation
(C) helping students towards self direction
(D) diagnosis and prescription
35. Rationalization is a concept in which the individual
(A) tends to give real reasons in place of true reasons.
(B) tends to give true reasons in place of real reason.
(C) gives true and real reason both.
(D) None of the above.
36. One of the most important ways of fostering problem solving on the part of students is
(A) to stimulate the formation of critical attitude
(B) to emphasize problems that are real to them
(C) to provide them with formal reasoning techniques
(D) to refuse to give or to accept pat answers
37. The limitation of ANOVA would be its inability to indicate
(A) interaction among variables under study.
(B) effects of different variables under study.
(C) interrelation among the variables.
(D) all the above.
38. You are given two statements :
(a) Research should always be focussed on discovering new facts.
(b) Research should always validate results in a new setting. Which of the following is most suitable in case of educational research ?
(A) Only statement (a) is true.
(B) Only statement (b) is true.
(C) Both the statements (a) and (b) are true.
(D) None of the statement is true.
39. Which of the following approaches to sampling seems to be most appropriate when a researcher wishes to obtain a sample that will sustain accurate generalization about gender and ethnic differences in scores on a standardized test ?
(A) Systematic sampling
(B) Proportionate stratified sampling
(C) Incidental sampling
(D) Extreme case sampling
40. Why causal comparative research is not considered a kind of experimental research ?
(A) It studies cause-effect relationship between the variables.
(B) It is just a correlational type of study.
(C) Its method is comparative and analytical.
(D) It neither controls extraneous variables, nor does it manipulate independent variables.