Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Curry leaves

Its leaves are used in many dishes in India and neighboring countries. 

It is used as a main ingredient for seasoning in some countries. It has many medicinal uses. 
These leaves are beneficial for reducing blood sugar. Each part of the plant provides some benefit or the other. The dried leaves are extensively used in herbal medicines.



Coriander- Dhaniya

Coriandum sativum or coriander, also known as Chinese parsley, dhania, or cilantro, is grown extensively in southern Europe, northern Africa, and Asia.

Coriander leaves as well as coriander seeds are used in cooking. It also has some medicinal uses. It can be used externally on aching joints and rheumatism. It is also good for coping with soar throat, allergies, digestion problems, hay fever etc.



Cardamom Elaichi

Elaichi or cardamom is one of the most common spices seen in an Indian household. It is used in most of the Indian and other sweet dishes to give a good flavour and smell.
It is also used widely in pharmaceutical sector. It Helps to control bad breath and digestive disorder. A whole cardamom chewed is good for coping with diabetes.



Star Anise

star anise is the unusual fruit of a small oriental tree. It is, as the name suggests, star shaped, radiating between five and ten pointed boat-shaped sections, about eight on average.
 It is used in cooking and for medicinal purpose

Star anise oil is helpful for digestion and avoiding bad breath.




Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus". Saffron crocus grows to 20–30 cm and bears up to four flowers, each with three vivid crimson stigmas, which are the distal end of a carpel.

It is used for cooking as well as in beauty products. It is mainly used in sweet dishes. It has good medicinal properties. It helps to cope with skin diseases. It is a good remedy for cough, cold and asthma.




Garlic is a wonderful seasoning to add aroma, taste, and added nutrition to your dishes. We often recommend using raw chopped or pressed garlic in many of our dishes to take advantage of the benefits derived from garlic.

 It is used for cooking as well as for the medicinal purpose. It is useful for coping with cough and cold. It also has antibiotic properties.