A. Curriculum should be organized in terms of social values
B. Curriculum should be organized in terms of development of knowledge
C. Curriculum should be organized as per needs of individual child
D. Curriculum should be organized in terms of local needs.
22. Which one of the following is not one of the four pillars of education?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to be
C. Learning to do
D. Learning to live peacefully with others
23. “Educational change and social change are interdependent, but which is the cause and which is the effect cannot determined” are the view of
A. Gandhi
B. Ottaway
C. Dewey
D. August comte
24. Stratification in society is based on:
A. Power, property and prestige
B. Culture, caste and class
C. Education, Earning and empowerment
D. Motivation. Mobility and material possession
25. Educational psychology is not:
A. A behavior science
B. A applied science
C. A Social science
D. A normative science Answer-::
26. Identify the true statement from the following
A. A certain level of intelligence is essential for being creative
B. Highly intelligent person is highly creative
C. A person with low intelligence can be creative
D. Intelligence and creative are not releated with each other
27. “Negative reinforcement” means:
A. No presenting any stimulus
B. Presenting an unpleasant stimulus
C. Punishment
D. Terminating an unpleasant stimulus
28. ‘Programmed learning” is based on:
A. Field theory
B. Operant conditioning
C. Gestalt conditioning
D. Classical conditioning
29. Enquiry learning is conducting due the development of:
A. Memory
B. Imagination
C. Cognitive skills
D. Creativity
30. Match the following List I and List II
List I List II
A. Scheduled of reinforcement 1. Maslow
B. Equilibration 2. Carl rogers
C. Student centered learning 3. Piaget
D. Self-actualisation 4. Skinner
5. Bandura
Answer:A-4, B-3,C-2, D-1