Thursday, February 1, 2018


41. The family imparts education to the child
(A) Formally
(B) Informally
(C) Deliberately
(D) Regularly

42. Which of the following is not the criterion used consistently for placing people in a particular social class ?
(A) Race
(B) Religion
(C) Knowledge
(D) Wealth

43. One of the following statements is correct, identify it :
(A) A scholar in his/her subject need not prepare and go to the class. 
(B) Preparation for the class is not needed for well experience teachers. 
(C) Irrespective of his/her experience or scholarship, a teacher needs to prepare and enter the class every time.
(D) A skilled teacher can manage classes even without preparation.

44. Which of the following is not a common element of a research
proposal and a research report ?
(A) Objectives and hypotheses
(B) Implications for further research
(C) References to previous research
(D) Sources of information/data

45. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily available, the sampling technique is called
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Quota Sampling
(C) Snowball Sampling
(D) Incidental Sampling
46. A method of sampling that ensures proportional representation of all sections of the population is termed as
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Purposive Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling

47. which of the following may be primary sources of information for researcher?
(A) Encyclopedia of educational research
(B) A researcher view article
(C) Research paper in a professional journal
(D) An abstract of a research study

48. Which of the following is similar to case study ?
(A) Longitudinal studies
(B) Social surveys
(C) Follow up studies
(D) Horizontal Studies

49. A teacher is strict in maintaining discipline in class in curricular and extra curricular activities. But there is always room for discussion regarding clarification of doubts in teaching-learning and conducting other activities. what is the approach of teacher towards students?
(A) Authoritative
(B) Democratic
(C) Flexible
(D) Rigid

51. The Vedas teach us that
(A) creation is without beginning
(B) creation is without an end
(C) creation is without beginning and without end
(D) creation has a definite beginning and also an end

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