Monday, February 5, 2018


51. Programmed learning is based on the principles of
(A) Conditioned Learning Theory
(B) Cognitive Learning Theory
(C) Gestalt Learning Theory
(D) Operant-conditioning

52. According to Piaget, at what stage does abstract thinking begin to develop ?
(A) Sensory motor
(B) Pre-operational
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Formal operational

53. Which of the following is the incorrect pair ?
(A) Sign Theory of Learning – Tolman
(B) Field Theory of Learning – Lewin
(C) Social Learning Theory – Bruner
(D) Trial and error Theory – Thorndike

54. Match the following :
            List – I                                            List – II
a. Sentence Completion Test          1. Association
b. Multiple Choice                          2. Recognition
c. Match the following                   3. Comprehension
d. Read the passage and Q&A      4. Recall
Codes :
(A) 4, 2, 1, 3
(B) 4, 3, 2, 1
(C) 4, 2, 3, 1
(D) 3, 2, 1, 4

55. Which is the most effective reinforcement schedule according to operant conditioning theory of learning for stable learning ?
(A) Continuous reinforcement
(B) Fixed ratio reinforcement
(C) Variable ratio reinforcement
(D) Fixed interval reinforcement

56. Xerophthalmia is a result of insufficient amount of
(A) Vitamin C
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin A

57. A child who has unusual difficulty in oral instruction may have the following impairment
(A) Intellectual disability
(B) Cerebral Palsy
(C) Hearing impairment
(D) Visual impairment

58. The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability
(A) Dyscrasia
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Dyspepsia
(D) Dyscalculia

59. The child having the difficulty in picking up objects is suspected to have
(A) Lower level of intellectual functio 
(B) Sight impairment
(C) Speech impairment
(D) Locomotor impairment

60. Delinquency is committed by the children of the age group
(A) 8 – 18 years
(B) 6 – 14 year
(C) 7 – 15 years
(D) 9 – 19 years 


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