1. A teacher is teaching students that they should not get irritated with other view if they are against their views. He is taking care of their __________.
A. Cognitive development
B. Emotional development
C. Physical development
D. Social developemt
2. A student says 'I must master problem solving skills in mathematics and become a great mathematician and to achive this I am working hard' The student has:
A. Intrinsic motivation
B. Extrinsic motivation
C. Mathematical motivation
D. High motivation
3. Advanced and enriched instructional materials, if developed and used in the schools, will help the;
A. Gifted children
B. Backward children
C. Learning disabled children
D. Mentally retarded children
4. A teacher must know educational psychology so that he may:
A. Understand the goals of education
B. Develop appropriate methods of teaching
C. Make selection of appropriate content
D. Devise suitable techniques of evaluation.
5. The rate of physical growth of children is more:
A. In early childhood than in later childhood
B. In later childhood than in adolescence
C. In adulthood than in adolescence
D. In adolescence rather than in early childhood
6. 'Draw a man test' is:
A. A drawing test
B. An intelligence test
C. Manual dexterity test
D. An emotional test
7. In the context of the role of heredity and environment of personality development, Which of the following is true;
A. Good heredity can make up for poor environment
B. Heredity and environment have equal contribution
C. Poor environment can supress good heredity
D. Good environment can make up for poor heredity
8. Which of the following is associated with Guilford's Strucutre of Intellect Model:
A. 'g' and 's' factors
B. Fluid and critalized intelligence
C. Memory of symbolic classes
D. Woed fluency
9. Which of the following is NOT a feature of adolescence period:
A. Faster physical development
B. Clear and stable self-concept
C. Increased interest in oppsite sex
D. Heightened emotional tendencies
10. Which of the following statements is true regarding relationship between creativity and intelligence:
A. To be creative, certain levels of intelligence is essential
B. A person with high inteligence must be creative
C. A person with low intelligence may be creative
D. There is no relationship between intelligence and creativity
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