children have read about trees, water, houses, animals, vehicles and many
other things. You must have thought about them as well.
How are we linked to the things shown in
the picture?
Come, let us find out Let's see, with what other things can we join the house to. Think – What is a house made of ?
Come, let us find out Let's see, with what other things can we join the house to. Think – What is a house made of ?
Wood – Which comes from trees.
Bricks – Which are made from water and
Clay – We get from the soil, and
Water – we get it from rivers, ponds,
wells or rain.
It must be clear to you with which
pictures or words you need to join the house.In the same way, join all the
things with other things related to them. While doing so, you might need to
write the names of a few more things.
The world in which we called as
environment. We can see trees, rivers, mountains, sun, land, animals, human beings,
soil in the nature.These things include both living and non-living.
plants animals and human beings are
living things. The living things are called the Biotic components of
environment. Non –living things include air, water, light, soil etc. they are
called the A biotic components of the environment.
biotic and ABIOTIC components of the environment interact with each
other. They depend on one another. This relationship is called ecosystem.
Human beings depend on plants and
animals for their food and other needs and so are animals on plants. We depend
on non-living things also. Air, water and soil are the non-living . living
things depend on non-living things for their existence.
Animals directly are indirectly depend
in plants for their food. animals depends on plants for food, oxygen and
Plants use carbondioxide released by
animals during respiration while making their food.The plants in trun are
dependent on the soil for food. Plants require nutrients for sustaining life.
Decompose the dead animals in soil and release nutrients.
Animals help in dispersal of seeds and
fruits so that they get favorable environment, to germinate and grow.
Thus, we see that living and non-living
components of environment are interdependent. They support each other and
maintain a balance in nature. Man should not disturb this balance through his activities.
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