Sunday, August 28, 2016



21. Which of the following is not a factor for social change in India ?
 (A) Caste
 (B) Regionalism
 (C) Language
 (D) Census

22. Religion acts as a great barrier in social change because
 (A) It preaches values
 (B) It depends on social gathering
 (C) It expects participation of all age groups
 (D) It is based on faith

23. Equality of Educational opportunities is possible by
 (A) Extending portals of educational institutions to all without any discrimination
 (B) Opening more educational institutions
 (C) Privatizing the education system in the country
 (D) Public funding of Education

24. Children of some minority communities are unable to fully participate in Indian educational institutions because
 (A) Minority communities have not been spending on education of their children.
 (B) There is exclusion process in educational institutions.
 (C) Minority communities lack faith in Indian education system.
 (D) Indian educational institutions do not have required infrastructure.

25. “Give me a dozen of healthy children I can make them Doctor, Judge, Beggar and even a Thief” – Comment made by
 (A) J.B. Watson
 (B) Hull
 (C) Jung
 (D) Guthrie

26. Which doesn't belong to the group of the other three ?
 (A) Operant Conditioning Theory of Learning
 (B) Classical Conditioning Theory of Pavlov
 (C) Learning Theory of Watson
 (D) Guthrie’s Theory of Learning

27. The view that “Anything can be taught at any stage of development” was expressed by
 (A) Piaget
 (B) Asubel
 (C) Bruner
 (D) Gagne

28. The IQ of a 25 years old boy, whose mental age 16 will be
 (A) 64
 (B) 75
 (C) 80
 (D) 100

29. Which of the following is an incorrect pair ?
(A) Sign Theory of Learning – Tolman
(B) Field Theory of Learning – Lewin
(C) social Learning Theory – Bruner
(D) Trial and Error Theory of Learning – Thorndike

30. Critically judge the following :
Assertion (A) : Pleasure or displeasure resulting from a learning experience decides the degree of its effectiveness.
 Reason (R) : All pleasant experiences have a lasting influence and are remembered for a long-time while the unpleasant ones are soon forgetten.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and
(R) is the correct explanation for (A).
 (B) Only (R) is correct.
 (C) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

 (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation for (A).

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