Saturday, March 5, 2016


Children - Has this ever happened to you:
You were eating in the playground, an eagle flew down and took away your roti. As you walked softly past a sleeping dog, its ears shot up at once.
You dropped something sweet on the ground and within minutes many ants collected around it.
Why does it happen:
Animals also have different senses. They can see, hear, taste, smell and feel. Some animals can see their prey from far away. Some can hear even the faintest sound. 
Some animals can find their friends by their smell. The animal world is full of examples of amazing senses!
The sense organs are eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose. There are five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
How did the ant recognise a friend:
An ant was going along on the ground. It saw a group of ants coming from the other side. The first ant quickly came back to its hole. The ant guarding the hole recognised it and let it in.
Many years ago a scientist did many experiments like this. He found out that as the ants move, they leave a smell on the ground. The other ants follow the smell to find the way.
Now can you guess why the ants behaved like that when you blocked their path? Some male insects can recognise their females by their smell.
Have you ever been troubled by mosquitoes. Just think, how do they know where you are? Mosquitoes can find you by the smell of your
body. They also find you by the smell of the sole of your feet and the heat of your body.
I am a silk worm. I can find my female worm from many kilometres away by her smell.
Dogs mark out their own area on the road. They can make out if another
dog has come into their area by the smell of its urine or potty (latrine).
Why so:Today Rajni had to go out for some  important work. She had to leave her sixmonth old son Deepak with her sister Sushila. Sushila also has a baby of the same age. 
It was funny that both the babies did potty at the same time. She happily cleaned her daughter but when she was cleaning her sister’s son Deepak, she covered her nose with her dupatta (scarf).
Most of the birds have their eyes on either side of the head.Their eyes can focus on two different things at a time. When they look straight ahead, both their eyes focus on the same object. 
You must have seen birds moving their neck very often. Do you know why? In most of the birds, eyes are fixed and cannot move. So birds have to turn their heads to see around.
Some birds like kites, eagles, vultures can see four times as far as we can. These birds can see things from a distance of eight metres what we can see from a distance of two metres._ Now can you guess from what distance can an eagle in the sky can see a roti on the ground?
Do animals see colours:
Animals cannot see as many colours as we can. See how things in these pictures will be seen by some animals. 
It is believed that animals that are awake in the daytime can see some colours. Those animals that are awake at night can see things only in black and white colours.
Sharp ear:
In Class IV, you read that we cannot easily see birds’ ears. Their ears
are small holes covered with feathers.
Sounds send messages:
High up on a tree, a langur warns others of dangers like a tiger or leopard. The langur does this by making a special warning call. 
Birds also give alarm calls to warn about the danger. Some birds even have different sounds for different kinds of dangers.

For example, there is a different warning call if the enemy is coming from the sky or if the enemy is on the ground. When any animal gives the warning call, all the animals in that area understand the danger signal.
Some animals start behaving in a different way when an earthquake or storm is about to come. People who live in forests and can observe such behaviour of animals come to know of the danger.
In December 2004, few tribes that live in the forests of the Andaman Islands noticed the animals behaving in a different manner. They guessed some danger. So they moved away to a safer part of the island. Soon after, the islands were hit by the tsunami but these people were saved.
Dolphins also make different sounds to give messages to each other. Scientists believe that many animals have a special language of their own.
Say it with sounds:
Just like birds and dolphins you can also make your own language of sounds for giving messages. Remember you have to talk to your friends with only sounds and no words. How and when will you need to give an alarm call? For example, when the teacher is coming to the classroom!
Some animals go into a long, deep sleep in certain seasons. Then they are not seen for many months.
It looks like a bear but is not. It is a sloth. It spends almost 17 hours a day sleeping while hanging upside down on a tree branch. The sloth eats the leaves of the same tree on which it lives.
It hardly needs anything else. When it has eaten enough leaves from that tree, it moves to the nearby tree. Sloths live for about 40 years and in that time they move around only eight trees. Once a week it comes down from the tree to relieve itself.
A tiger can see six times better at night than most of us humans. The tiger’s whiskers are very sensitive and can sense the movements or vibrations in air. 
They help the tiger move in the dark and find its prey. A tiger’s sense of hearing is so sharp that it can make out the difference between the rustling of leaves and the sound of an animal moving on the grass.
The ears of the tiger can move in different directions and this helps to catch the sounds from all around. Tigers make different sounds for different purposes like when it is angry or to call out to a tigress. It can also roar or snarl. It’s roar can be heard upto 3 kilometres away.
Each tiger has its own area which may cover several kilometres. Tigers mark their area with their urine. A tiger can at once come to know if there is another tiger in its area by the smell of the urine. A tiger will avoid going into another tiger’s area.
The number of tigers and many other animals in our country is reducing. There is a danger that some of them will soon disappear. To protect the animals, our government has made some forests as protected areas. 
Some of them are the Jim Corbett National Park in Uttrakhand and ‘Ghana’ in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. In these areas nobody can hunt animals or destroy the jungle.


Friday, March 4, 2016


I am Aryanath
I can do something special which
I am sure none of you can do!
Do you know what? I can play
the been! You must be surprised.
Yes, I can make snakes dance by playing the been. I have learnt
this art from my family members. We people are known as Kalbeliyas.
My grandfather Roshannathji was famous amongst our people. He could easily catch many poisonous snakes. He tells me many stories about his past. Come, listen to his story in his own words–
Dadaji remembers
From the time of my grandfather and great grandfather, we have always been saperas (snake-charmers).
Snake charming is the practice of  a snake by playing an instrument called pungi or bansuri.
A typical performance may also include handling the snakes or performing other seemingly dangerous acts, as well as other street performance staples, like juggling and sleight of hand.
The charm has nothing to do with the music and everything to do with the charmer waving a pungi, a reed instrument carved out of a gourd, in the snake's face.
Snakes don't have external ears and can perceive little more than low-frequency rumbles. But when they see something threatening, they rise up in a defensive pose.
"The movement of the snake is completely keyed in on the guy playing the toodley thing," says Robert Drewes, chairman of the department of herpetology (the study of amphibians and reptiles) at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. "He sways, the snake sways."
Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous repitiles. Snakes can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. 
There are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world and there is at least one type of snake on every continent except Antarctica. 
Size- They are  many different species, there are snakes of many different sizes.
The  world’s smallest snake, according to National Geographic, is the thread snake, which grows to only about 3.9 inches (10 centimeters) long. It looks much like an earthworm.
The largest snake, the reticulated python, can grow to a whopping 30 feet (9 meters). The largest snake fossil ever discovered is called the Titanoboa. This creature lived 60 million years ago and would have been 50 feet (15 meters) long. 
Snake eggs & baby snakes- It is a common misconception that snakes build nests for their eggs.
Only one species of snake, that is king cobra, will build a nest for its young ones . Not all snakes lay eggs, but 70% of snakes lay eggs. These types of snakes are called oviparous.
The other 30 percent of snakes directly give birth to live young, much like mammals. This is because some climates are too cold for eggs to develop and hatch, so snakes living in colder climates do not lay eggs.

What do snakes eat?
Snakes are carnivores. This means that they only eat meat. Snakes are often seen as pests, but they actually can help keep pests at bay by eating rodents.
Many people think that all snakes kill their prey by biting it and injecting the prey with poison. This isn't true. Cobras, vipers and other related species are the only snakes that use venom to hunt.
Most snakes simply swallow their prey whole. Large snakes, such as the python, will strangle their prey to death and then swallow it whole.
Snakes can eat other animals up to 75 to 100% bigger than their own size, according tonationa geographic. They have been known to eat animals such as crocodiles and cows. To fit the large prey into their mouth, the snake's jaw will unhinge.

Once the animal is inside, the snake's body releases enzymes to break the food down into useable energy. Snakes do not need to eat as often as other animals because they have a very slow metabolism rate. King cobras, for example, can live for months without food.
Sometimes, though, eating a live animal can result in disaster. Snakes have been known to explode after eating a living animal, though it is not known why.

Where do snakes live?
Snakes live in almost every corner of the world. They are found in forests, deserts, swamps and grasslands. Many call underground burrows or the spaces under rocks home. Some snakes, like the cottonmouth water moccasin of North America live in water part of the time.
Though they are found all over the world, snakes do not, however, like the cold. they are cold blooded or ectothermic. This means that they don't have the means to regulate their body temperature like warm blooded creatures. since their bodies do not use energy to create heat to warm them. When  it is cold, many snakes hibernate in tunnels underground.
Snakes have been an important part of our life. We used to move from village to village carrying our snakes in bamboo baskets.Whenever we stopped in a village, a crowd would gather around us. We would then take out our snakes from our baskets.
Even after the show, people would stay on. They knew that in our tinbox
there were many types of medicines for them. We made these medicines from plants collected from the forests.
I had learnt all this from my grandfather. I felt nice that I could
help people with my medicines even if doctors and hospitals were far off.
In return, people would give us some money or food grains. In this way we could manage our life.
Sometimes, I was called to places where someone had been bitten by a snake. From the marks of the bite I tried to find out which snake had bitten the person.
I would then give a medicine for that. But I have not always been on time to help. As you know, some snake bites can even cause death on the spot.
But most of the snakes are not poisonous. Sometimes, when some farmers would come running for help shouting “snake, snake”, I would catch that snake.
After all, catching snakes was something I had been doing since my childhood. Oh, those were the good days. We could help a lot of people in many ways. We also entertained them. It was not like today
when everyone watches TV for entertainment.
When I grew older, my father taught me how to remove their poisonous teeth (fangs). He also taught me how to close the tube of poison in the snake’s mouth.
What can we do
Aryanath! your father used to travel with me ever since he was a young child. He learnt to play the been without being taught. These days it is diffcult. Now the government has made a law that no one can catch wild animals and keep them.
Some people kill the animals and sell their skins at high prices. So they made a law against this. Now, with this law, how will we earn our livelihood? We people have never killed snakes, and sold their skin.
People say that we keep the snakes in bad conditions. If we wanted, we too could have earned a lot of money by killing snakes. But we would never do that.Snakes are our treasure, that we pass on from one generation to another. We even gift snakes to our daughters when they get married.
In our Kalbelia dance we also have movements similar to the dance of the snake. Aryanath, you will have to make a different life for yourself. You have got your father’s gift of playing the been. You and your cousins can form a been party and entertain people.
But do not waste this knowledge about snakes you have got from your
elders. Share your knowledge about snakes with children who live in towns and cities. Tell them, that they should not be scared of snakes. Help them to recognize poisonous snakes.
Tell them how snakes are friends of the farmers. They eat the rats in the fields, otherwise rats would eat the crops. Now you tell our story. Also make a new story of your life, to tell your grandchildren.
Musical instruments used in been party Been, tumba, khanjiri and dhol. Except dhol all the other three instruments are made from dried gourd (lauki)
Do you know?
Of the many kinds of snakes found in our country, only four types of snakes are poisonous. They are: Cobra, Common Krait, Russel’s Viper (Duboiya), Saw-scaled Viper (Afai).
A snake has two hollow teeth (fangs). When it bites, the poison enters the person's body through the fangs. There is a medicine for snake bites. The medicine is made from the snake's poison and Cobra is available in all government hospitals.