Saturday, June 4, 2016



31. The one essential element in situations involving fear reaction is
(A) a potential danger
(B) personal inadequacy
(C) insecurity
(D) prevailing conditions to fear stimuli

32. Boasting is a form of
(A) Compensation
(B) Projection
(C) Rationalization
(D) Sublimation

33. A dominated overprotective child is likely to be
(A) aggressive
(B) delinquent
(C) quarrelsome
(D) withdrawn

34. Counselling is a process of
(A) allocation of round peg in round holes and square pegs in square holes
(B) Orientation of pupils towards social expectation
(C) helping students towards self direction
(D) diagnosis and prescription

35. Rationalization is a concept in which the individual
(A) tends to give real reasons in place of true reasons.
(B) tends to give true reasons in place of real reason.
(C) gives true and real reason both.
(D) None of the above.

36. One of the most important ways of fostering problem solving on the part of students is
(A) to stimulate the formation of critical attitude
(B) to emphasize problems that are real to them
(C) to provide them with formal reasoning techniques
(D) to refuse to give or to accept pat answers

37. The limitation of ANOVA would be its inability to indicate
(A) interaction among variables under study.
(B) effects of different variables under study.
(C) interrelation among the variables.
(D) all the above.

38. You are given two statements :
(a) Research should always be focussed on discovering new facts.
(b) Research should always validate results in a new setting. Which of the following is most suitable in case of educational research ?
(A) Only statement (a) is true.
(B) Only statement (b) is true.
(C) Both the statements (a) and (b) are true.
(D) None of the statement is true.

39. Which of the following approaches to sampling seems to be most appropriate when a researcher wishes to obtain a sample that will sustain accurate generalization about gender and ethnic differences in scores on a standardized test ?
(A) Systematic sampling
(B) Proportionate stratified sampling
(C) Incidental sampling
(D) Extreme case sampling

40. Why causal comparative research is not considered a kind of experimental research ?
(A) It studies cause-effect relationship between the variables.
(B) It is just a correlational type of study.
(C) Its method is comparative and analytical.
(D) It neither controls extraneous variables, nor does it manipulate independent variables.




21. What are the two vital functions, a national system of education has to perform ?
(A) Tradition preserving and growth facilitating.
(B) Termination for some students and preparation for others at the end of secondary stage of Education.
(C) Amassing information and knowledge and passing on to future generation.
(D) Helping the learners to get a livelihood and helping him to gain scholarship.

22. Which of the following is a powerful barrier against vertical mobility in India ? (A) Occupations
(B) Salary and other income resources
(C) Caste distinction
(D) Not knowing the national language

23. What is meant by the term socialization ?
(A) Participation in social service.
(B) Teaching rural masses how to keep their homes and streets clean.
(C) Process of interaction among members of the society and imbibing social values.
(D) Influence exerted on the illiterate, rural masses, by social organizations to send their children to schools.

24. Which of the following is not a primary function of secondary schools ?
(A) Reorganization and Reconstruction of human experiences.
(B) Making children self-reliant.
(C) Development of personality.
(D) Advancement of culture.

25. You are being given a list of psychologists
(Col. – A) and some terms (Col. – B) associated with them. You have to match them.
Col. – A              Col. – B
i. Allport         1. Fictional Finalism
ii. Jung            2. Analytic Psychology
iii. Eysenk       3. Sex
iv. Adler          4. Functional Autonomy
                         5. Dimensions of Personality
Codes : (A) 1 2 3 5 (B) 4 5 2 1 (C) 4 2 5 1 (D) 2 3 4 5

26. Which of the following best describes a motive ?
(A) A desire for social approval.
(B) An object or condition which can be used to induce desirable behavior.
(C) The object towards which an organization is drawn to satisfy a need.
(D) Some form of inner impulsion to certain behavior.

27. Which of the following best accounts for the development of self concept ?

(A) Individual’s need for approval.
(B) An apparently inborn drive towards self-concept.
(C) An apparently inborn sense of right and wrong.
(D) An apparently inborn drive towards avoidance of conflict in one’s personality.

28. The best way to motivate a child to learn is
(A) to appeal to his/her sense of pride and self-respect.
(B) to re channel the motives he/she already has.
(C) to threaten him/her with failure and punishment.
(D) to tempt him/her with praise.

29. For maximum reinforcement effect, a given reward should
(A) be applied immediately upon the response.
(B) be applied immediately preceding the response.
(C) be applied simultaneously with the response.
(D) follow the response only after a substantial delay.

30. Transfer of learning occurs most rapidly when there are _______ between two situations.
(A) associative cues
(B) identical elements
(C) logical relationships
(D) invariant relationships




11. What is the ultimate reality for realism ?
(A) Thoughts
(B) Feelings
(C) Social relations
(D) Objective world

12. Match items in
List – I with those in List – II :
           List – I                                  List – II
I. Jainism                     1. Indeterminacy of knowledge
II. Buddhism               2. Inferential knowledge
III. Islam                     3. Law of causation
IV. Sankhya                4. Inadequacy of individual interpretation
Codes ;(A) 1 4 2 3 (B) 4 2 1 3 (C) 1 3 4 2 (D) 2 3 4 1

13. Which of the following disciplines is concerned with depravity of human action ? 

(A) Anthropology
(B) Ethics
(C) Philosophy
(D) Sociology

14. Which of the following represents appropriately the current stage of the modern society in social evolution ?
(A) The Theological-Military Stage
(B) The Metaphysical-Legalistic stage
(C) The Positive Industrial Materialistic stage
(D) The Positive Industrial stage

15. What kind of empowerment of women will be more sustaining ?
(A) Empowering women through Education
(B) Empowering women through Personality Development
(C) Empowering women through the provision of some kind of job
(D) Empowering women by appointing women as heads in Government and Private Bodies

16. Which of the following customs are powerful in regulating social behavior of people ?
(A) Simple, Rural societies
(B) Complex, Urban societies
(C) Industrialized societies
(D) Ultra-modern societies

17. How is education related to culture ? Choose the best.
(A) Education preserves old culture.
(B) Education creates new culture.
(C) Education sustains old culture and ushers in new ones.
(D) Education and culture are mutually supporting each other.

18. Which of the following does not represent an institution ?
(A) A political party which is not recognized as a national party by the Election Commission
(B) Students Union of an Arts College
(C) An Angelican Church
(D) Family

19. Why is Sharda Act important in the Indian context ?
(A) Because it prevents child labor.
(B) Because it bans child marriage in girls.
(C) Because it recommends supply of free study materials to girls.
(D) Because it recommends free education for girls up to the school stage.

20. Which of the following do not represent organizations ?
I. Drivers of the Delhi Transport Corporation
II. Spectators of a Match of Football
III. Foreigners in Delhi
IV. Prison
Codes : (A) I and II (B) III and IV (C) II and IV (D) II and III




1. Fine arts and aesthetics are given top priority in the curriculum by
(A) Naturalism
(B) Existentialism
(C) Idealism
(D) Pragmatism

2. Identify the functions of educational philosophy :
(i) To integrate divinity into education of man.
(ii) To provide theoretical bases for teacher’s behaviour.
(iii) To generate the principles of curriculum framework.
(iv) To answer all ultimate ‘why’ questions regarding educational practices.
(A) ii and iii
(B) i and iv
(C) i, ii and iv
(D) ii, iii and iv

3. Pragmatism is instrumentalist by nature, because
(A) It considers education as an instrument to social change.
(B) It insists on using lot of teaching aids for enhancing students’ learning.
(C) Education is used by democracy as its instrument.
(D) It considers knowledge and values as means and not as ends.

4. Socialism as a constitutional value implies education for
(A) Social equity
(B) Social equality
(C) Social reconstruction
(D) Social mobility

5. What will a teacher who believes in naturalism not do ?
(A) Allow her students to venture freely.
(B) Give instruction for developing higher values.
(C) Expose her students to experiences leading to sense development.
(D) Wait for students to get mature before teaching the prescribed content.

6. What is the content of logical analysis ?
(A) Empirical truths
(B) Scientific truths
(C) Cognitive knowledge
(D) All of above

7. Which Indian School of Philosophy says that : “I am not a semblance of body, mind and intellect” ?
(A) Jainism
(B) Buddhism
(C) Sankhya
(D) Islam

8. Which of the following is not an aim of education according to Vivekanand ? (A) To bring about the innate perfection
(B) To integrate spirituality and science
(C) To develop national character 

(D) To prepare the young students as social beings
9. “Freedom of choice is the highest value for a person.” What does this idea mean ? (A) If you are not free, you cannot have your choice.
(B) A good life is impossible without independence of thought.
(C) Only free choice is a real choice.
(D) In human life nothing is greater than man’s freedom from all ignorance.

10. Marxism does not believe in

(A) Education for productivity
(B) Religious education
(C) Education for equality and equity
(D) Mass education